Quick Reflection: All Points on the Wave

Spending time to reconnect and rebalance with a close friend and some quiet, serene nature time.

In some ways, the past few months have felt a bit heavy… yet another wave of energy of these times that needed to roll through.

With patience and with some wonderful supportive human beings and the space they hold, the latest wave is passing and new openings are emerging.

It’s becoming a time of exploring. Of playing. Of trying a few things on for size and walking around getting lost in a few ideas to see if they are ready to take hold… and a few do feel emergent.

And, still, moving forward deliberately, patiently, with ease and not pushing. I’ve pushed the river more than I’ve ever needed to; it’s time to flow with it instead… that river of presence holds the peace, ease and grace that has forever been my true goal.

Take time to be, not do.

To flow with the river.

To let pushing and forcing go.

To let needing to know sit quietly off to the side.

To allow the unfolding.

To know stillness as the swiftest of evolutionary actions and progress.

To hold space… for yourself and others.

You can only ever know

the next best step

if you are fully present

to the whole moment

you are in.

Enjoy all points on the wave.

It’s all flow,

If you allow it to be.

Luke Iorio