Live with the Peace and Courage to Be True to Yourself


Simply Put: Doubt Builds & Blocks You from Making the Most Meaningful Changes of Your Life, Preventing You from Living a Life of Peace, Balance & Joy

Does this sound familiar?

Feeling Stuck

It’s that feeling of second-guessing yourself, unable to move forward confidently, yet not wanting to be “where” you are.

Cluttered & Disconnected

Mentally, things feel jumbled and scattered, but most of all, you can’t place your finger on “it,” but you don’t feel all that connected to something more.

Just “Not Right”

Somehow life just doesn’t seem to fit and the question of “is this as good as it gets” reverberates within you.


I had done it. I had achieved what I set out to do—in my career, life, finances, and more. And I wasn’t happy. I was frustrated. I was burnt out. And I didn’t know what to do.

I had followed what I had thought was “the way” to happiness. I had checked the boxes. I did “the thing.” What I hadn’t known was that none of what I was doing was truly in alignment for me. These pieces gave me glimpses and typically a temporary connection to what I was after. It convinced me that “more” was what was needed… until I had no “more” left in me.

I’d like to say this began my journey back to center, to feelings of peace, balance and joy, but in reality, I’d been too stubborn to learn my lesson each time life tried to point me in the direction best for me. It took a very eye-opening moment (as told in episode #1 of the show) for me to finally come face-to-face with what I’d been ignoring, to finally pay attention to that subtle, inner voice that’d been whispering to me all along: “This way. In here. Not out there.”

This inner guidance system had been nudging me along all these years. It led me to some incredible and fortunate experiences, and it tried to pull me back from some painful ones.

I have spent years studying coaching, consciousness, mindfulness, ancient and indigenous wisdom traditions, meditation, positive psychology, neuroscience and probably a few other fields I can’t even remember at this point—all of it simply for the sake of re-membering who I am and how to be who I am, in this life – in relationships, in work, in making decisions, and wherever else I could have the courage to truly be me and co-create from that centered place.

If you’re game, I can help you find this within yourself. It will not be a straight path. It will not be without taking a deep look within yourself and facing what you need to face. But it will lead you to feeling and being more yourself than perhaps at any time in your adult life. And amazingly, in addition to the peace and joy it brings, you usually experience some amazing wonderfulness in your outer life too.


 What’s Next…

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