Musing: Release it to the Wind

Purely magical day just before entering journey time for myself… although this has already been a journey, as Sedona always is for me.

I wish I could tell you exactly where these photos were from, but I wandered deep into the wilderness, left the trail and, well, here we are.

I then saw the magic I was meant to see as, one after the next, the pine trees started releasing their pollen into the wind. It was as if Great Spirit was saying, release your attachments and worries as well as your creations and dreams to the wind, and have faith in how and where they will be carried.

Do your part.

Do your work.

Gestate and germinate.


But at some point, for life to be fully breathed into what you’ve been working at (within yourself and within your life), you must release it, surrender it, to the winds.

Luke Iorio